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Zwift race results and statistics. This site contains affiliate links to Amazon, Wahoo, and other brands. I have seen earlier posts that showed a small green arrow in the large box in the upper left. Log into Zwift and then choose "Edit Profile" in the upper-right of your dashboard. zwift-preferences is a script/an app which gives you access to safely modify the prefs.xml file from which Zwift reads your prefences when Zwift is launched. Zwift Insider is independent of Zwift corporate (www.zwift.com), although Zwift does provide funding to help defray site costs. Notice that if you change prefs.xml while Zwift is running your changes will be overwritten by Zwift. It’s a question asked by many on their way to better performance. It begins just like the Jungle Circuit, but takes you to the Volcano Flat and back home to the start/finish banner instead of leaving you riding jungle laps.Currently this is the only route which takes you through the jungle and back through the start/finish banner without going over the Epic KOM. Zwift race results and statistics. If you’re new to Zwift, or new to cycling and unsure what FTP means, you are not alone. Go to my.zwift.com > edit profile > connections and OPT-IN to ZwiftPower Re: Connect ZP Account "Cannot find rider with that Zwift ID." Prerequisites before a race. VI Variability Index. Yves Chartrand Online Posts: 2 Joined: Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:00 pm. In Zwiftpower, under my avatar in the top right corner, I see "Zwift profile".

A calulation of how even your power was. ZwiftPower Results. Login to Zwift.com Click on edit your profile Select the correct country in the drop down The other place your FTP can be adjusted is from the workout picker. Log into Zwift and then choose "Edit Profile" in the upper-right of your dashboard. FTP, or Functional Threshold Power, is the wattage you can stay below and sustain for longer durations, while going above it … Before we move onto specifications, it’s important to know that beyond manually tweaking the configuration files (there’s a brilliant guide here on Zwiftinsider.com) there are only two graphics settings in Zwift and only one is determined by the user. Watopia’s “Road to Ruins” was added with the Mayan jungle expansion in late October 2017. As soon as you change the number, your new FTP value will be saved. Settings.

A lower number is more of a TT effort, while higher suggests many sprints with plenty of rest. Method 3: Setting Your FTP via Zwift’s Auto-Detection. You'll now have a form where you can change your "Last Name" value. The easiest way to change your name, priorto logging into the Zwift application, is to do it via the main Zwift website. Inside your profile, there are several options about your account on the LEFT side of the screen. For example, a Radeon 7870 gets the High profile, so we need to edit C:\Program Files (x86)\Zwift\data\configs\high.txt

As an Administrator, Edit the contents of the config file that matches the profile your system was given. The easiest way to change your name, priorto logging into the Zwift application, is to do it via the main Zwift website.

By the way, zwift-preferences can be used together with zwift-login. To connect to Strava, you want the “Connections” tab at the bottom. You'll now have a form where you can change your "Last Name" value. I cannot find how to edit this. Zwift Insider makes a small commission on purchases made from these links, so please shop through them to support our efforts. In the “General” tab you can also change your name etc. This shows my profile including the "About:" text field at the top. Select any workout, then change the FTP number at the bottom-left.

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