Graphene-coated drivers oscillate precisely, enabling Liberty Air to reproduce highly-accurate sound. Portable Case for Soundcore Anker Liberty Air 1 Only, Full Protective Drop Proof Silicone Case Cover with Keychain Compatible with Soundcore Anker Liberty Air 1 … Liberty Air 2 true wireless earphones have 4 built-in microphones with cVc noise reduction technology—ideal for when you’re working from home or taking conference calls.

They offer solid wireless performance, five hours of … Every detail of the music, from the deepest bass, to the brightest mids, and lush treble is delivered with extraordinary clarity and no distortion. The Good Anker's Liberty Air True Wireless earphones cost half the price of Apple's AirPods and sound as good or better.

Soundcore App Use the app to enhance your listening experience—choose from 22 EQ settings, use HearID to create your own personalized sound profile, or totally customize the EQ. This item Soundcore Anker Liberty Air True-Wireless Earphones with Charging Case, Bluetooth 5, 20 Hour Battery Life, Touch Control Earbuds, Graphene Enhanced Sound, Noise-Cancelling Microphones, and …

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