Cookies are pieces of information shared between your web browser and a website. It’s honestly insane. The information does not usually directly identify you, but the use of cookies enables a faster and more personalized experience for you. Victor “Fairy Peak!” Locquet has been one of the biggest pros on the scene since the start of Rocket League eSports. Annual tournament results for Rocket League player Victor "Fairy Peak" Locquet. FairyPeak streams live on Twitch! Gamepedia's Rocket League esports wiki covers tournaments, teams, players, and personalities in Rocket League. Fairy Peak vs Kaydop | $1122 1v1 With 53000 viewers! Check out their videos, sign up to chat, and join their community. History Players Tournaments Teams Leagues Games Tips Forums Search Victor "Fairy Peak" Locquet - Rocket League … Theatre Mode (alt+t) Annual tournament results for Rocket League player Victor "Fairy Peak" Locquet. Tournament results for Rocket League player Victor "Fairy Peak" Locquet. Upcoming Fusion - Europe Spring Open: Qualifier 2 Svenska Raketligan S3 - Playoffs Alpine Esports: Avalanche 5 SnipesFamily Tell me about ur opinion on this as it really interests me. Victor "Fairy Peak!" Coming into the spotlight as one of the top 2s players alongside his friend and former teammate Courant “Kaydop” Alexandre, Fairy Peak has continued to dominate the ranked leaderboards and major tournament scene since mid-2016. Pages that were created before September 2017 are adapted from information taken from Rocket Baguette: The Play - Finals: €150.00: $175.05: Follow us on Twitter @LiquipediaRL if you'd like to be kept up to … Fairy Peak has totally took part in 222 tournaments for the last 5 years.In that period the player won 76 events, was a runnerup in 50 tournaments and has taken the 3rd position 37 times.The most profitable appearance for Fairy Peak was Rocket League Championship Series/Season 7 in 2019 with $200,000 in prize money shared for the position #1. No one managed. Tournament results. Locquet (born May 26, 1998) is a French Rocket League player. Esports profile for Rocket League player Victor "Fairy Peak" Locquet: $241,332.05 USD in prize money won from 100 tournaments. Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Check out their videos, sign up to chat, and join their community. FairyPeak streams live on Twitch! Tournament results Fairy Peak has totally took part in 222 tournaments for the last 5 years.In that period the player won 76 events, was a runnerup in 50 tournaments and has taken the 3rd position 37 times.The most profitable appearance for Fairy Peak was Rocket League Championship Series/Season 7 in 2019 with $200,000 in prize money … Psyonix uses cookies on this site. - Duration: 57:34. History Players Tournaments Teams Leagues Games Tips Forums Search. Not his own RV teammates, nor other RLCS players or even 1v1 mains. If the esport wants to grow small changes like these have to happen imo. After five rounds, Renault Vitality’s Victor “Fairy Peak” Locquet is yet to be defeated on League of Rocket’s latest 1v1 “tournament,” the LOR Games. Same thing in rocket league.
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