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Firebase build dist
You will need an existing Firebase project, or you will need to create one using the Firebase CLI. This is a straightforward process. The default firebase project corresponds to the project that we created earlier. # Deploy with Firebase # Single Page Application. Get inside the dist folder. Firebase CLI # Step 1: setup % npx @vuesion/create vuesion-firebase-spa % cd vuesion-firebase-spa\ This will output the build to the dist folder by default, and I’ve configured Firebase to recognize that directory as the hosting direction in the firebase.json. This is the first in a series of posts that will teach you how to build a blog site using React and Firebase. This is important because Angular places the builds in the dist directory. The files in the dist/my-project-name folder are static. Build a React & Firebase Blog Site: Part 1. We will just start with running ng build --prod. It only uses Firebase Hosting. Once the project is built, running a simple firebase deploy will deploy ALL of the features of the project to Firebase: the security rules and indexes for Firestore, the Firebase Functions and the Vue.js project to Firebase Hosting. Creating a blog using Angular 5 and Firebase & Angular Universal – Part 1 We will be creating a blog using Angular 5, Angular universal and Firebase in a 2 part series. For the third question, make sure that the name of the public directory is dist. The above command has created a `dist` folder in your Vue.js app. Type the command while staying in the vue-firebase-crud-app project folder to make the static build of your Vue.js and Cloud Firestore application. One of the easiest ways to get your site live is to host it using Firebase. You do not need functions. npm run build. Skip to content. This means you can host them on any web server capable of serving files (such as Node.js, Java, .NET), or any backend (such as Firebase, Google Cloud, or App Engine).. Hosting an Angular app on Firebaselink. This is where all of our compiled ready to deploy code is located every time we run a build. Hosting the built projectlink. The details entered here are configurable. The configuration is much different for SPA, it is very simple: you run nuxt build, which will create a dist file and setup firebase to use dist instead on public and then deploy. Firebase creates two files .firebaserc and firebase.json. Now your project should have a dist/ directory.

cd dist Install Firebase CLI. This one will probably be the longest because there are few things to do to set everything up. Our app will allow for easy creation and publishing of blog posts. This command runs a build for our project but with additional production optimizations such as bundling and minification.

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