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WordPress Popular Posts wp_query

However, we wanted more customization in our layout, so we decided to do it without a plugin. Example #3: "Most Popular Posts" Ordered by Comment Count. If you are looking for php code or a plugin for your WordPress that takes a post ID and returns the database record for that post then read on. The WP_Query object deals with the intricacies of entity requests to a WordPress website. Thanks. Since there are a lot of parameters you can use with WP_Query in WordPress, you can pull and display posts in a number of unique ways. In fact, the most common place where you might encounter and interact with WP_Query is within The Loop, when displaying a list of posts or pages.

This is very helpful when you want to show a specific post on your homepage or other pages to get more attention. Sorry for my bad English. In the past we have shown you how to create a popular post tabber in WordPress using a plugin. Das Category Posts Widget ist ein extra einfach gehaltenes Widget und dafür entworfen worden lediglich eine bestimmte Aufgabe zu erledigen, aber die nach Möglichkeit sehr gut: Das Anzeige neuer Beiträge aus einer bestimmten Kategorie.

Teams. Omschrijving. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.

In each iteration, the_post(), which calls $wp_query->the_post()is called, setting up internal variables within $wp_queryand the global $postvariable (which the Template Tagsrely on), as above. That's how WordPress orders the chosen number of posts by the value of the popular_posts Custom Field. So your theme files use it on regular basis, and a lot of plugins on your WordPress site will it.
Display Custom Post Type Data with WP_Query() If you want to display custom post type data then you can use WP_Query()to get custom posts within the Loop. WordPress doesn't have a built-in "post view count" system, and plugins that provide this functionality are famous for slowing down the website (because on each post view, the plugins write in the database over and over again to record the view counts). ; Time Range – List those posts of your blog that have been the most popular ones within a specific time range (eg. How to Use WP_Query. The WP_Query()function accepts a post_type parameter that determines the content type to return. Q&A for Work.
As you may know, every WordPress site contains a database that stores many posts (of many post types) that make up the bulk of that site’s content, and WP_Query is the best way to fetch or retrieve a given selection of those posts for processing. The trick here is using meta_value_num as the value of the orderby parameter in WP_Query. What WP_Query does is determine what type of query it's dealing with, and fetches the requested posts. In the example below, we display all product entries in WordPress. Below is an example of a simple WP_Query which displays posts from movies category: Hi, I have custom fields with image from posts, and I want to display the top 5 posts sorting by views. Multi-widget capable – You can have several widgets of WordPress Popular Posts on your blog, each with its own settings!

Before you learn WP_Query directly, you’ll need to understand the basic engine of WordPress: the Loop, which takes these bundles of fetched posts, and processes them, one after the other, into the contents of your site’s pages. WP_Query does precisely one thing: it fetches bundles of WordPress posts from the WordPress database. We’ll explore those options in greater detail later in this post. It allows developers to write custom queries and display posts using different parameters. That plugin works great out the box for tabbers. It is possible for developers to directly query WordPress database. Main Features.

I am using WordPress, can you help me please? WordPress Popular Posts is a highly customizable widget that displays your most popular posts. This will iterate around as long as there are posts to show.

Visit the WP Codex to learn more about how this works, and how to further customize the query. WP_Query is a class defined in WordPress. However, WP_Query is one of the recommended ways to query posts from WordPress database.

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