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VBA Font ColorIndex
To set the color of our text to one of these 56, we should write: Let's start by assigning a color to the text in A1. ColorIndex. After adding Font., we get this result:. Read/write.

Same can be done through VBA Macros. We can change the color of the font in multiple ways using color index, color property with RGB function. Each color in the palette is associated with a unique value in the index that can be changed programatically.

Here you can see the 56 colors that are available through ColorIndex:. Font.TextColor and Font.ColorIndex are both documented on MSDN. Type the following code into the VBA Editor and you’ll see a list of all the options available: Range("A1).Font. VBA Color Index is a function by which we can change the color of the cell or text which is located in the Home menu under the Font section. There are two different ways that we can set the color: ColorIndex, which has 56 colors, or Color which makes it possible to use any color at all. From my personal experience, ColorIndex is a better Property compared with Color Property, you always get the color code 16777215 for both white and no fill, but you get different ColorIndex code.. You may also want to compare ColorIndex Property with RGB Property to use a different Property to set color for Cells.. Syntax of VBA Excel ColorIndex Property
WdColorIndex is an enum that defines a number of predefined constants. At times it is useful to know the relative positioning of the various colors within this index as well as how various versions of Excel treat colors.

We will discuss a few of the most… Dim font1 As Font Set font1 = Range("A1").Font font1.ColorIndex = 10 Fontオブジェクトを別途取り出さずに、次のようにまとめて記述しても構いません。 Range("A1").Font.ColorIndex = 10 ここで指定できる57種類の色は、Excelで「セルの書式設定」で設定可能な色と同じです。 Example #1. Excel VBA Font Color. You can set the default colors using VBA enumeration number -4105 ( or xlColorIndexAutomatic). Excel VBAを使っていれば、セルの背景色や文字色を指定したりする処理をコーディングすることは頻繁にあるでしょう。Interiorオブジェクト、Fontオブジェクト、そしてColorIndexプロパティの使い方について解説します。ColorIndexプロパティ値一覧表も掲載しています。

VBA Font Color property is used to change the font color of excel cells using vba code. #10: Change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex) VBA code to change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex) To change or set the font color with the ColorIndex property, use a statement with the following structure: Range.Font.ColorIndex = ColorIndex# Process to change or set font color with color index (ColorIndex) ColorIndex. VBA ColorIndex Property of Excel VBA is very useful to set the fill colors, border colors and font colors. In this ArticleVBA Cell FontChange Font ColorvbColorColor – RGBColorIndexFont SizeBold FontFont NameCell Style VBA Cell Font In VBA, you can change font properties using the VBA Font Property. Excel VBA Color Index. Excel VBA ColorIndex returns index values from 1 to 56, -4105 and -4142. When I prepare a dashboard I usually spend a considerable amount of time formatting cells, fonts, etc. Dim myRange As Range Dim cell As Range Set myRange = Range("V6:V50000") For Each cell In myRange If cell.Value < 2 Then cell.Font.ColorIndex = 5 If cell.Value < 1 Then cell.Font.ColorIndex = 3 Next Last edited: Dec 15, 2009

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